I Samuel 14:2 “And Saul tarried in the uttermost part of Gibeah under a pome-granate tree which is in Migron: and the people that were with him were about six hundred men;”

Actions Speak Louder

Who was the first king of Israel? If you answered, “Saul,” you are correct. Who was the leader of Israel? Well, that’s an interesting question! Would your answer be the same person? Obviously, a king is to lead by giving direction and protection. In I Samuel chapter 14, Saul failed as a king because he failed to lead.

When Israel went out to battle the Philistines, Saul “tarried…under a pomegranate tree.” Jonathan, his son, was the one who took action and pursued the enemy. Sometimes waiting is good. Often we rush ahead when we should be asking God for direction. However, waiting is bad when you should take action. Saul was sitting while Jonathan took action.

When you lead, you lead primarily with your actions not your words. Saul waited and talked while Jonathan acted and trusted God. Leading has more to do with your actions than it does with your title. Saul was called “king” while Jonathan was simply a son, but Jonathan was the one providing leadership!

Jonathan was not trying to rule; he was simply trying to serve and do what God wanted him to do. His example stands in stark contrast to his father who was king but was not a leader. If you are going to lead today, you are going to lead with your actions. May God help us to know what He wants and to take actions that help and influence others.

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