Joshua 2:1 “And Joshua the son of Nun sent out of Shittim two men to spy se-cretly, saying, Go view the land, even Jericho. And they went, and came into an harlot’s house, named Rahab, and lodged there.”

Are You Biased?

What is your most perplexing question in life right now? Maybe my question is! What is the biggest question you will face this week? What is the next question, big or small, that you will face this morning? Whether we like it or not, our day is filled with questions. As a child of God, you probably want to know your Father’s mind on each matter.

Sometimes our questions involve knowing what God’s will is. Sometimes our questions involve knowing how to do God’s will. Other times, if we are honest, we question if we should do God’s will. Most of us know more than we care to admit, because knowing equals responsibility to do.

When Joshua sent spies into the Promised Land, they were not considering whether or not to obey God’s command. They were considering how they could best do it. The spies Joshua sent had a bias for obedience and victory. “And it shall be, when the LORD hath given us the land, that we will . . . .”

In contrast, when Moses initially sent spies into the land, they used their report as an excuse to disobey instead of using it as research on how to obey. Are you trying to find out what God’s will is? Are you trying to find out how to do God’s will? Or are you trying to make excuses for refusing God’s will?

Spy out the issues of your life with a bias towards obedience. Doing that requires honesty, faith, and courage. Remember that life is not a balance of faith and action; life is a harmony of faith and action. No matter what question you face today, probe the answer with a heart that is set to trust and obey!

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