II Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”

Beaten by the Box

I would dare say there is not a parent alive who hasn’t been beaten by “the big box.” The story goes something like this:

Your child is having a birthday, so you pick out the perfect gift that will make her day. You imagine her little smiling face as you purchase this present at the toy store and wrap it in fancy wrapping paper. Does your little angel care about the paper, the bow, the ribbon, or the present itself? No sir! Within a few hours of the gift giving, you have been beaten by “the box.” The box becomes the highlight! The box becomes the gift! The box becomes the thing to put a smile on her face! The box is what she remembers!

May I tell you something? We have a Heavenly Father, and He will not be beaten by “the box.” His wonderful gift of salvation through His Son—the gift of His Son—will not be outshone by the messenger of the Gospel. The gift will never be outshone by the “box” in which it is presented.

We are an unimpressive box in which the glorious gift of Jesus Christ should be presented to our friends. We are “earthen vessels” for the treasure of the Gospel so that “the excellency of the power may be of God.” When God gives power to the weak (the “earthen vessels”), He gets credit for the work.

If people look at the Gospel ministry you have and think, “Wow! What an amazing person!” they are playing in the box. If people look at what you are presenting, receive the gift of Jesus Christ, and God is glorified, you are a success. Remember, what’s in the box is important!

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