Judges 9:54 “And he called hastily unto the young man his armourbearer, and said unto him, Draw thy sword, and slay me, that men say not of me, A woman slew him. . . .”

Ending with Honor

This spring, a man jumped from the Empire State Building and only suffered a broken ankle. How was this possible? Well, he leapt from the top floor but landed on the next floor down. Talk about adding insult to injury!

It is not a pleasant topic to discuss, but how would you choose to die? Your answer is probably, “Wil, I don’t want to die!” That is fine, and I would agree. Most of us do not have a specific way we want to die, but all of us want to end honorably.

Ending honorably is not a matter of the way you die; it is a matter of the way you live. You don’t choose to die; you will die (Hebrews 9:27). You do, however, have the choice of how you will live.

Abimelech was a man consumed with his own honor. He did whatever it took to get want he wanted from people. Ironically, a man possessed with building himself and destroying everyone else was done in by a woman and a rock! He “fell on the sword” (with an assist from his armourbearer) to keep from being killed by a woman.

Abimelech didn’t die dishonorably because a woman dropped a rock on his head; he died dishonorably because he lived dishonorably. The truth is, you cannot end honorably if you don’t live honorably! Most people try all kinds of antics to hold on to their sense of self-importance. Don’t seek to be promoted; seek to serve the best you can where you are!

If all seek to be prominent, that will be shallow and pointless. If you seek to be productive, God can take care of promoting you to the most productive place for you. Remember, ending with honor requires living with honor today.

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