John 12:11 “Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus.”

God Dwells Within

Have you ever had guests over to home when you had a house full of kids? Kids can totally change the dynamic of the meal! Any parent probably thinks of a lengthy list of “don’ts” just to make sure everyone is on their best behavior. Now, can you imagine having the Lord Jesus over to your home? Mary, Martha, and Lazarus did in John chapter 12!

Martha felt responsible for the meal and hospitality, and the Bible says that she served. As for Lazarus, he sat down with the very One who had raised him from the dead. What about Mary? She brought an expensive ointment and anointed the feet of the Lord Jesus. In fact, a crowd of people heard about Martha’s guest and came to see both Jesus and the man He had raised from the dead, Lazarus.

It is not surprising that the religious leaders of the day were not keen on the popularity and attention Lazarus began receiving. The chief priests “consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death; because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus.” What a reputation and testimony!

If God has done something in your home, there ought to be thanksgiving that is visible to other people. When God has worked in your life, others should see and know what He has done. It is hard to hide a house where God is!

When we look at the wicked world around us, our tendency is to “hold the fort” instead of “storm the gates.” In our homes and churches, it is not God’s intent that we sit back and bunker down. His intent is that our families affect our world.

Has the Lord made a difference in your home? Is your testimony at work or school drawing others to Christ? Are people coming to the Lord because of you? People in Lazarus’ day couldn’t ignore what God had done in his life. You cannot be godly and be ignored by the world.

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