Acts 7:58 “And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Saul.”

God Has a Plan

God may well do much more through the events of this day than He does in this day itself. The results from today may come to maturity long after the sun sets, but God is working in this day and through this day. In Acts chapter 7, Stephen preached a powerful message, and the hearers were “cut to the heart” and stoned Stephen. Their coats, we are told, were laid at the feet of a man named Saul. Does that name ring a bell?

Never count God out. Regardless of what you have seen or wanted to see, there is always more than you can see and do. God could see what even Stephen could not see that day. There was a young man holding jackets that God wanted to save and use for His glory!

What do you see today? We tend to see problems, but God has a plan. Nothing ever happens beyond God’s control or outside of His plan. God took a Christ-rejecting, blasphemous murderer named Saul and made the Apostle Paul. If you stop and consider it for a moment, this was a watershed event in the history of the church! I doubt anyone thought about it that day!

This summer at the Ranch, counselors prayed with campers about thousands of decisions. Only God knows the impact and full picture of a week of camp or a service at your church. God is working. He can see what you cannot see, and He can do what you cannot do. The Lord wants to use you to accomplish His plan!

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