Acts 5:29 “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”

How to Choose Your Enemies

How many enemies do you have? Don’t be naïve to think you don’t have any, and don’t be foolish enough to seek them out! The fact is, when you choose your master, you choose your enemies.

The apostles, despite being warned not to teach and preach Jesus Christ, had “filled Jerusalem with [their] doctrine.” The religious leaders did not take kindly to the truth that “intend[ed] to bring this man’s blood upon us.” That is exactly what the Good News intends to do! The Gospel is based on the truth that we are all guilty of the death of Jesus Christ. He is the One who can provide life for us!

What did Peter and the other apostles do? They said, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Now before you get carried away with this verse, notice that Peter said, “We ought to obey.. . .” Were they rebelling or submitting? They weren’t rebelling against men; they were submitting to God and His command. The act of preaching Jesus Christ, for which they were in trouble, was not in defiance of someone; it was in obedience to Christ. The moment you go from obeying Christ to rebelling in your heart, you are wrong.

You don’t have to seek out enemies. They will find you. When you choose the master who will lead you, you have chosen the enemies who will oppose you. The focus of your life should be the master you are following. Choose your master wisely.

If Christ is your master, you will have no true enemies except enemies of Christ. The apostles drew the ire of the religious leaders precisely because they were following Christ. Enemies of Christ can’t dodge the truth and power of the Gospel. Enemies of Christ can’t win. When you choose your Master wisely, you can’t lose!

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