I Kings 12:7 “And they spake unto him, saying, If thou wilt be a servant unto this people this day, and wilt serve them, and answer them, and speak good words to them, then they will be thy servants for ever.”

Leading and Serving

I cannot think of a quicker way to ruin a kingdom that the way Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, did it in I Kings 12. He was doomed from the beginning because he brought it upon himself!

The people came to King Rehoboam for leadership, along with sympathy for and relief from their burdens, but that is exactly what he did not do. Serving is not in our DNA; being served is! The problem is, you cannot serve others if you are self-serving.

If you are going to lead, you must lead yourself and serve others. Too often, we don’t think of serving when we want to lead. Any leader must discipline himself as well as serve those he leads. Don’t worry about if anyone will follow you; lead yourself and serve others, and let God worry about the influence you will have.

You are not leading your ministry, your company, or your family if you are serving yourself. Don’t allow “serving God” to become an alibi for “serving me.” Beware the man who wants you to follow him when he follows no one else. May the people following your leadership today find a submissive and serving leader!

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