II Samuel 18:18 “Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself a pillar . . . and he called the pillar after his own name: and it is called unto this day, Absalom’s place.”

My Name Is ____

Do you like your name? It’s good if you do! When I was a kid, I had an alter ego with a different name. I liked both my names! The truth is, you have two names: the one your mother gave you and the one you will give yourself.

Everyone wants to be remembered. For what do you want to be remembered? Absalom is an example of someone who had a good name (as David’s son) but turned out bad. The name Absalom means “father of peace,” yet we remember him for being at war with his father. He was very intent on building a name and a monument for himself.

Begin today by deciding what you want your name to mean, and then make every decision in light of that name. People will usually remember you for one impression. What do you remember about Abraham? About Jezebel? About Lot? About Stephen? What is the one thing people will remember about you?

If you have a good name, keep at it for the long haul. If your name is less than desirable, start today by making right choices. You alone will determine the meaning of your name. Decisions build character. Character builds a name. A name builds a legacy. What is your name?

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