Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

My Shepherd

I love Psalm 23, and I suspect you do as well. In the Bible, we learn that the Lord is the Chief Shepherd; that speaks of His position. We also learn that the Lord is the Good Shepherd; that speaks of His character. I love Psalm 23 because we learn that He is “my Shepherd.”

I am who I am because the Lord is Who He is. I am what I am because the Lord is what He is. So, if the Lord is my Shepherd, I am satisfied. “I shall not want.” Sheep are not content because they own anything; they are content because they are owned by the shepherd. The Lord will not withhold any good thing (Psalm 84), and He is the Source of every good and perfect gift (James 1).

When you see a pasture, it is not called a “cow pasture” or “horse pasture” because the cows or horses own it; it is the rancher’s pasture and the rancher owns them! If the rancher owns them, they own everything else. They are satisfied because they belong to the rancher. How much greater is the truth that we are satisfied because the Lord is our Shepherd!

Since the Lord is my Shepherd, not only am I satisfied, I am safe. “I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” I am not safe because there is no danger; I am safe because He is with me (verse 4). You are far safer in a dangerous spot with God than you are in a safe place without Him. Safety is not found in a place; it is found in a Person.

We wouldn’t know comfort if we didn’t know grief. We wouldn’t need a Shepherd if we didn’t know danger. God does not promise to remove grief and danger from your life, but He does promise His presence. With His presence comes everything you need.

With the Lord as my Shepherd, I am satisfied; I am safe; and I am saved! “And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” We have the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ, and we have the “goodness and mercy” for this life right now. No problem, no situation, and no need will ever exceed the life God gives you when He is your Shepherd. I am so grateful that “the Lord is my Shepherd”!

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