Acts 11:18 “When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.”

One Savior for Every Sinner

It is a good thing that God is not a racist. If He were, we Gentiles would be in big trouble! God led Peter to take the Gospel to Gentiles, which was an unheard of job for many people in Acts 11. Peter said, “As God gave them the like gift as he did unto us . . . what was I, that I could withstand God?”

There is a great truth in Acts 11: the only pedigree that impresses God is the one available through His Son. It does not matter if you are Jewish or Gentile. If you are going to be a child of God, you are going to come through God’s only begotten Son. Every sinner needs the same Savior!

Many times we talk as if the Gospel is only for the “down-and-outers” and not for the “up-and-comers.” The Gospel is good for people below you and above you! There are billions of sinners, but there is only one way to Heaven. That is so hard for people to comprehend! There are not many different ways; there are not several ways; there are not two ways; there is “THE way, the truth, and the life.” The Gospel is as generous as every sinner but as narrow as one Christ.

There is one Savior for every sinner, regardless of position, stature, salary, or nation. When we are as generous with the Gospel as God is, every nation will know. It is God’s will for every sinner to be saved. If any sinner will be saved, he will be saved exactly the same way—by trusting the one Savior, Jesus Christ.

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