Deuteronomy 33:25 “Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.”

Shoes and Strength

Have you ever been in a position where you had to think about every step you will take? I mean literal, physical steps. Perhaps you went roller skating and now your feet are punishing you days later. Every step hurts! Perhaps, like me, you have changed a flat tire out in the middle of nowhere, and a few days later your body is a little sore. Maybe you are days into a hike, and every step you take with your pack on feels like it is driving you into the ground. I assure you, you are very aware of each step!

The children of Israel were in a similar position, having exited Egypt and wandered the wilderness. Now they were waiting on the very cusp of the Promised Land. They had a lot of days, walking, enemies, and blessings ahead of them. Moses’ blessing to the tribe of Asher was this: “Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.” They would have days filled with problems, but they would have the strength for those problems.

Many times, I find myself wanting to jump from the path of God’s choosing instead of seeking His strength for the path He has already put me on. To me, it would be easier if I just had a different path. To God, it is better if I seek His strength for the path He’s put me on. If the path were easy, I would be less inclined to seek His help.

You need not dread a trail when you have the shoes to match it, and you need not dread a day when you have the strength to match it. Do you have the strength to match your day? Do you have the “shoes” to match your path? The only way you can have what you need is to seek God!

God allows just enough problems in our lives so that He can give more than enough strength. He can do what we cannot do. Seek Him, rely upon His strength, and take the “shoes” and strength He wants to give today!

“The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. . . .” (Deuteronomy 33:27)

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