II Samuel 12:7a “And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man.”

The Most Harmful Sin

Quite possibly, the most annoying thing is a phone that rings during a public event. Of course, the most embarrassing thing is finding out that it is your phone ringing! Perhaps the most annoying noise is a car that squeals and squeaks while driving down the road. The most embarrassing thing is discovering that the noise is not following you; the noise is you! Perhaps kids running around like hooligans is annoying. On the other hand, realizing that the hooligans belong to you is embarrassing!

The most annoying thing in the world is sin in theory; the most embarrassing thing in the world is sin in you. It can be the most helpful to realize, like David, that “thou art the man.” God cared enough about David to send someone (Nathan) to help him, and God cares about you!

David was completely offended and outraged at the sin in Nathan’s story. Like a ringing phone, a squealing fan belt, or rowdy kids, David didn’t realize that he was the offensive and outrageous sinner! He was content for “the man” to pay for his wrong (verse 5) until he realized that he was “the man” (verse 7).

We are offended by sin in theory and in others, but that is not how sin works. Sin appeals to you on the basis of need. Need recognition, possessions, or wealth? The devil can supply all of them, but they will not be right. The sin that does the most harm is the one you do not recognize.

Pride in others offends us, but our own pride deceives us. Gossip offends us, and we love to gossip about the person who gossips. Selfishness in others stands out to us, but does our own selfishness stand out? The most damaging sin today is not a theoretical sin; it is the sin that you do not acknowledge.

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