Acts 22:13  “Came unto me, and stood, and said unto me, Brother Saul, receive thy sight. And the same hour I looked up upon him.”

The Most Important Family in the World

Heritage is an important thing, but it is not the most important thing.  Your connection to Jesus Christ should dictate your relationship to every other connection-national, ethnic, familial-you have.

After his conversion, Saul (Paul) met Ananias, who called him, “Brother Saul.”  Ananias did not accept Paul on the basis of their Jewish heritage; he accepted Paul based on the fact that they were both children of God by faith in Christ.

The same is true for you.  The most significant family in your life is the family of God.  That doesn’t mean you can exclude your literal family, but it does mean that regardless of what heritage your family possesses, the most important family relationship you have is being God’s child.

I come from a long line of storytellers on both sides of my family.  I remember stories told by my great-grandmother about pioneer life in South Dakota.  I have some interesting connections on the Rice and the Bingham side, but the relationship that should dominate my thinking today is the one I have in Jesus Christ.  That relationship should dictate how you think, act, and what you do.

There is no better legacy to pass down to your family than the heritage available in Jesus Christ.  If you want to win the world to Christ, start with your kids!  If you want to change our nation, work on the people inside the four walls of your house!  I am thankful for all of my family on the Rice side and the Bingham side, but I am most thankful that I belong to the family of God!

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