John 10:41 “And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true.”

The World’s Greatest Resort

If you could go to any resort in the world, where would you go? Madagascar? Dillon? Disney World? What you say in answer to that question says something about you! The fact is, you will resort to whatever you see as important. If you would pick Disney, I know a few things about you already. If you pick a majestic destination like Dillon, CO, I know something about the things you value. (That makes two of us!) A resort is a place you resort to in order to get away from.

Oftentimes God is our last resort instead of our first recourse for the day’s needs. The Bible tells us that the Lord is our shade. Some days, I pray that He would be my quiet, my shade, and my peace because things tend to get busy, hot, and crowded around here!

To whom or what you resort reveals what is important to you. In John chapter 10, people were seeking the Lord Jesus because they saw Him as important and as what they needed. People do not need fancy homilies from a preacher; they need Jesus. Kids do not need a perfect mom and dad with all of the answers; they need Jesus. These seekers came to Jesus because of what John had said. John didn’t do any fancy miracles or have any tricks. He didn’t use ventriloquism, chalk talk, or travel with a musical team, either! He simply spoke the truth about the Lord Jesus.

God did not use John because of his snappy clothes (camelhair), trendy diet (locusts and honey), or lengthy expository sermons; God used John because he was “plugged in” to the very power Source he pointed people to. Today, others will resort to Jesus if you will tell Him as He is. Your home needs Jesus as He is. Your church needs Jesus as He is. Our great country needs Jesus as He is. Our world needs Jesus as He is.

To whom will you resort? When life’s problems bear down on you, will you resort to something or someone else besides the Lord? When you need quiet, shade, and peace, where will you go? Jesus Christ has the power, provision, and blessing you need that no resort in the world can provide!

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