II Samuel 20:2 “So every man of Israel went up from after David, and followed Sheba the son of Bichri: but the men of Judah clave unto their king, from Jordan even to Jerusalem.”

“Tribal” Loyalty

Let’s take a poll, shall we? How many of you like Ford trucks? Apple computers? Roller coasters? How many of you are from the South? Well, what if you like Chevrolets, PCs, and are a Yankee that hates heights? Our little informal poll goes to show that many “tribes” can divide us, and that is not necessarily bad. (Think Ford or Chevy, Apple or PC, etc.) Divisions are not intrinsically wrong unless their loyalty pulls you away from the purpose of God.

You can destroy camaraderie, faith, and devotion to God in a few short minutes. I’ve seen it many times! In II Samuel 20, Sheba divided loyalty and rebelled against God’s annointed king. He was an opportunist that God calls “a man of Belial.” He was a rebel who said, “We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse.” He used his tribal loyalty to pull everyone (except Judah) from God’s purpose!

Any loyalty that pulls you from the purpose of God is rebellion. Don’t let loyalties—even to good things, institutions, and people—draw you from God’s plan for your life. Focus on what God has called you to and the purpose for which He has made you. Loyalty to your “tribe” can be good, but don’t let it steer you from God’s goal!

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