Deaf Outreach
West Branch maintains the burden of reaching Deaf, the burden for which the Bill Rice Ranch ministries were founded.
Deaf Camp
We continually look for the best possible way to help the deaf community, especially with the gospel. Since West Branch began, all deaf young people ages 9-19 have attended our camps for FREE. When Deaf campers share a week with hearing teens or juniors, they enjoy their own counselors and services and benefit from sharing activities and meal with the other campers. At times our camps or retreats accommodate Deaf only. We are currently planning an event like this September 25-27, 2025. This event will be for deaf teens as well as adults and families! Bill Rice Ranch deaf director, Tyler Thornton and his family as well as Bill and Mary Rice will be in attendance, Check back here later for more information.
Deaf Rallies
Evangelistic one-day rallies bringing the Deaf of all ages together under the preaching of the Bible. We have held several of these over the years in Arizona and southern California.
Highlights: gospel service, fellowship, lunch provided, workshops for both the Deaf and interpreters, practical deaf ministry helps
For information on scheduling a deaf rally, please contact us.
Sign Language Schools
In order to effectively reach the Deaf for Christ, workers need to be able to communicate with the Deaf. This is why the Bill Rice Ranch has trained thousands of people in sign language and deaf ministry. We even have a deaf ministries concentration through Bill Rice Bible College (Murfreesboro, TN). Many people have learned sign language through Dr. Cathy Rice’s time-tested beginning sign language DVD/textbook course,Sign Language for Everyone.
Contact us about the possibility of holding a regional sign language school in your area where we can help you learn sign language and deaf culture and help you locate the Deaf in your area so that you can share the gospel with them.