Development Overview
Building for Tomorrow in Northern Arizona
Our facility is a 155-acre parcel located in the city limits of Williams, Arizona, yet separated from the rest of town by portions of the Kaibab National Forest. Being only two-miles off I-40 on paved or regularly maintained cinder roads, the campground is an ideal location. West Branch has tall ponderosa pine trees and has a beautiful view of the San Francisco Peaks, which includes the tallest point in Arizona. At 7000’ elevation, West Branch is cool in the summer, generally peaking in the high 80’s.
Current Project Goals
- Complete the restrooms in the Rasmussen Crossing (current auditorium + future dining hall)
- Complete sanitation connection of the Crossing to existing system
- Connect the Crossing to current water system
- Improve/extend camp roadways
- Activity facilities enhancing – on going
The Plan
Having a camp in the West is not a fly-by-night dream. It is a goal that was first envisioned by the founder of the Bill Rice Ranch, Bill Rice II, in the 1960s. For two decades, different properties were considered before the Lord gave us the initial property in Flagstaff in 1989. We needed our new permanent location in Williams for a better atmosphere and more durable facilities.
Our master plan includes many areas of development including the main cabins site, larger buildings such as an auditorium, dining hall, and recreation building. The site plan also includes a possible separate junior camp facility and a lodge (see Topo Map). We have already started utilizing the facility and will expand as the Lord and local officials and site conditions allow.
Current Status on Construction
After the purchase of the Williams property, many churches volunteered manpower and/or finances to put up camp buildings. The Lord blessed us with sixteen buildings including the main camp cabins. All infrastructure is completed to support these buildings, and we have conducted camp on the property for more than a decade. We continually make minor improvements to the property while working on Phase Two as the Lord provides. See “Phases” for additional info.
The process to develop the facility is ongoing, and plans sometimes change based on current needs. However, we have been following the basic phases listed below (Crossed out=completed):
- Phase I – Infrastructure, Opening Camp: Cabins completed and online with sanitation, water, electricity, and fire protection. Renovate Bunkhouse, complete first aid building, fencing, initial activity facilities. PHASE I COMPLETE!
- Phase II – Rasmussen Crossing (combo auditorium + kitchen/dining hall: structure complete, interior on going), rodeo corral, fire hydrant tank, Kitchen food delivery access road (begun), enhance activity courts/ fields (in progress), parking areas (begun), infrastructure for Phase II buildings (begun), emergency exit road
- Phase III – Additional Buildings for future consideration: Game room & concessions, auditorium, camp office, cookout site, infrastructure for Phase III buildings
Topo Map
Topographical Map of Williams Property