Fall Retreats 2025
Enjoy a time of refreshment on the scenic West Branch campground hearing Bible preaching and teaching and enjoying relationship building opportunities. See below for detailed information on each retreat.

Date: October 3-4, 2025
Speaker: Evangelist Troy Carlson
3:45 – 5:15 Check-in & Activities
5:30 Opening Meeting & Game for All
6:00 Supper
7:15 Service
8:30 -10:00 Activities
7:30 Devotion
7:45 Breakfast
8:45 – 11:00 Activities
11:30 Service
12:30 Lunch
Head for Home
Highlights: Bible preaching for men & boys; three great meals; hiking, campfire, obstacle course, sports, Gaga Ball, Human Foosball, Airsoft Range & other activities in the Pines; time together in a spiritual atmosphere
Dress: From the beginning, West Branch has sought to be an encouragement in the matters of modesty and distinction. For this reason, men and boys are asked to wear long pants. No shorts, please. Activity dress is appropriate for the entire event. Weather is cool; bring a jacket, etc.
Housing: Enjoy our spacious, comfortable cabins with bunk bed accommodations (bring your own linens or sleeping bag). All cabins include full bathrooms with showers. Campers will be asked to bunk together with other men and boys. You are welcome to request staying together with other campers you know. You may also bring a tent and sleep under the stars using a nearby cabin for a shower house.
Christian Retreat: On our Christian campground, no alcohol or smoking is permitted.
Registration: $60 per person if registered with a $10 per person registration fee by September 19. Cost increases to $65 if registering after September 19. When three or more are attending from the same immediate family, the cost for the 3rd and following person is reduced to $30 per person. See registration card for details. Retreat is for ages 5 and up. Please contact us for permission about possible exceptions.

Date: September 12-13, 2025
Speaker: Evangelist Troy Carlson
2:30-4:00 Check-in & Activities
4:30 Service
5:00 Activity
6:00 Supper
7:15 Service
8:30 – 10:00 Activities
7:45 Breakfast
8:45 – 11:00 Activities
11:30 Service
12:30 Lunch
Head for Home
Highlights: Fellowship with your own church friends as well as those from other churches. Practical, encouraging Bible preaching from men who love the Lord; three great meals; hiking, camp fire, Gaga Ball, Human Foosball, other indoor and outdoor activities in the Pines.
Dress: From the beginning, West Branch has sought to be an encouragement in the matters of modesty and distinction. For this reason, ladies and girls are asked to wear skirts, dresses, or culottes of proper length (knee-length) and fullness. Please no slacks, capris, or gauchos. Athletic shorts may be worn for culottes if they are long enough (knee-length) and full. Men and boys are asked to wear long pants. No shorts, please. Activity dress is appropriate for the entire event. Weather is cool; bring a jacket, etc.
Housing: Enjoy our spacious, comfortable cabins with bunk bed accommodations (bring your own linens or sleeping bag). All cabins include full bathrooms with showers. To optimize space, all the men and boys from your group will stay together; all the ladies and girls from your group will be asked to stay together. You are welcome to request your group staying together with another group you know if space permits.
Christian Retreat: On our Christian campground, no alcohol or smoking is permitted.
Registration: $60 per person for the first two members of a family including a $10 registration fee per person. Just $30 per person for each additional family member age 5 and older (including $10 registration fee). Under age 5 – $5 per which can be paid upon arrival with other balances. Cost increases to $65 for the first two members if registering after August 22. See registration card for details.