Men on the Move
IN TODAY’S WORLD, men are on the Move like never before. Through business pursuits, family time, and service for the Lord, we can become worn out and even disillusioned. That is why it is critical to take time to refocus on the priority of the Christian life–our relationship with the Lord. Let God use the preaching of His Word to refuel and recharge you for the race set before you!
2025 Southwest Regional Men on the Move Conference

Date: April 25-26, 2025
Location: The Rasmussen Crossing at West Branch
Pastor John Roy, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Phoenix, AZ
Evangelist Bill Rice III, Bill Rice Ranch, Murfreesboro, TN
Evangelist Troy Carlson, West Branch, Williams, AZ
- 2:00 – 4:00 PM Check-in
- 4:15 First Service
- 5:45 Supper & Fellowship
- 7:00 Two Services
* 7:15 – 8:10 AM Continental breakfast
* 8:30 AM Three services
* Conference concludes by noon
Highlights: practical revival preaching for men, fellowship with men from around the region, great music to encourage you, fantastic Friday supper, resource table with many helpful Christian books from our staff and others for sale, beautiful location in the pines Northern Arizona at 7,000′, come early and enjoy area attractions such as Grand Canyon just one hour away
Dress & Weather: From the beginning, West Branch has encouraged people to honor the Lord with their appearance. For that reason, we ask for no shorts to be worn during this event. Neat, casual attire is appropriate. Suit & tie is not needed. Please check ahead for weather conditions.
A Note from Bro. Troy: This conference is very straightforward. It is built on the Bible principle that it pleases God to use Bible preaching to convict hearts and strengthen men. We exist to “make the most of preaching for churches and those they seek to reach.” Would you consider bringing men to this conference for a concentrated period of Bible preaching and see how God can deepen your Christian walk or the walk of those you bring? We encourage you also to bring unsaved men to hear the gospel in a controlled atmosphere for preaching. We will pray with you to see the Lord do a work in their hearts!
Conference Cost (lodging cost separate):
By April 4
Send $10 registration fee in advance
Pay $40 balance upon arrival
Total Cost $50
After April 4
Pay entire fee upon arrival Total Cost $60
* Please contact us in advance if you are paying at arrival.
Call: 928.635.2097
Mail: 2501 E. Pinetree Dr., Williams, AZ 86046
Stay at West Branch or at a hotel in Williams (several national chains available). Bunk bed lodging is available in West Branch cabins for $30 per person in addition to the conference fee. Cabins are nice and warm with all restroom & shower facilities in the cabin. First come, first served by reservation. Contact us for more details.
*If you are staying off camp, we recommend staying in Williams as opposed to Flagstaff to reduce 30-mile one-way late night & early morning drives.
Special Offers:
Pastors, bring a group of 7, and you come FREE!