Regional Youth Conferences

West Branch has a storied history of working with teenagers. Every youth conference we conduct is designed to be fun for teens and supportive of youth leaders in the work they are doing.

2025 Arizona Regional Youth Conference

Date: September 6, 2025

Location: Maranatha Baptist Church, 9120 N. 95th Ave., Peoria, AZ 85345

Speaker: Pastor Kurt Kramer, Open Door Baptist Church, Catalina, AZ


9:45-10:15 Check-in

10:30- 4:00 Two Services, lunch, and fun

Highlights: Bible preaching for young people. Great lunch! Fun games for a great atmosphere with some friendly competition between churches. This would be a great event to bring new teens too so they can hear a clear presentation of the gospel! Preaching will also benefit Christian teens.

Dress: We ask all attending to abide by our dress code. From its beginning West Branch has encouraged its guests to honor the Lord in appearance. Wholesome standards displaying modesty and distinction between the sexes are intended to be a help and blessing to you.

  Boys No shorts. Any other long pants are fine. Neat and clean should be the priority.

  Girls No pants, capris or gauchos. Because no special activity dress is needed for this event, skirts or dresses are preferred. Any culottes (or baggy athletic shorts), skirts or dresses should be knee-length and not pant-like.

  Leaders: Please pass along dress code information to our group early.

Arizona Regional Youth Conference

$25 per person (includes $5 advance registration fee)
$20 per person from any Trailblazer church

Call: 928.635.2097


Attention Youth Leaders:

For every 5 teenagers registered by August 27, 1 adult leader comes FREE!