Through a Controlled Atmosphere for the Ministry of Preaching, God touches many hearts at C.A.M.P. Experience how a week at West Branch can change your life!

35 years of camping experience

Evangelism & Church Unity

Exciting Competition & Activities

Wholesome Standards

Revival Preaching Atmosphere

Great Fellowship & Food

Expanding Facilities on 155 Acres in Cool Northern Arizona!


Ages 12-19 * Monday evening – Friday night

Camp 1 – June 16-20, 2025

Evangelist Bill Rice III – Murfreesboro, TN

Camp 2 – June 23-27, 2025

Evangelist Tim Thompson – Nashville, TN

Evangelists Troy Carlson & Glenn Stevenson will also be preaching each week.

Youth Camp Activities

Promote youth group unity by competing together in sports tournaments: Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Dodgeball, Pickleball, Spikeball

Develop Christ-honoring skills for life by competing in the evangelistic music contests: Vocal Solo, Vocal Group & Choir, Piano, Instrumental, Bible Speech

Enjoy other daily activities including the obstacle course, hikes, giant inflatable bungee run, Nine Square in the Air, human Foosball, Sponge War, Gaga Ball, individual tournaments, and the camper-participation rodeo! Above all experience life-changing Bible messages from preachers who have a lot of experience speaking to teenagers!

Youth Camp Costs

2025 Camp Fee: $250 per person* plus:

Registration fee $40 by Feb. 28     Total: $290

Registration fee $60 after Feb. 28   Total: $310

*Campers and adult leaders (“church counselors”) pay the same rate.

Register early! Register early to save money and secure your spot! NOTE: Nearly all the space for Youth Camp 2 has been reserved by churches enrolled in the Fast Track program. If you are not enrolled in Fast Track, please contact us to see if additional space remains or register for Youth Camp 1.

See “Fast Track” information to learn how to save additional money!

Junior CAMP

Ages 8-12

Monday evening-Friday night

June 9-13, 2025*





Evangelists Troy Carlson & Glenn Stevenson

Junior Camp Activities

Everyday is a new adventure as campers enjoy such activities as the giant inflatable bungee run, obstacle course, the Carnival, human Foosball, Adventure Time, Sponge War, Chicken Noodle Soup, Nine Square in the Air, American Heritage, the Cowboy Story, Bible quizzing, and the camper-participation rodeo! Best of all, juniors love the Bible preaching in our services, Illustrated Messages, and Bible Basic Training!

Junior Camp Costs

2025 Camp Fee: $230 per person* plus:

Registration fee $40 by Feb. 28     Total: $270

Registration fee $60 after Feb. 28   Total: $290

*Campers and adult leaders (“church counselors”) pay the same rate.

Register early! Register early to save money and secure your spot! NOTE: Nearly all the space for this week has been reserved by churches enrolled in the Fast Track program. If you are not enrolled in Fast Track, please contact us to see if additional space remains.

See “Fast Track” information to learn how to save additional money! 

Camp Information


Use Fast Track Reservations to save money and secure your spot. Please contact us with any questions you might have.

Fast Track Reservations:

  • Secure your church’s place at camp next summer.
  • Provide you one free week for TWO church counselors of your choice ($550+ value).
  • Doubles your benefit when you Fast Track for both Junior and Youth Camp.

Fast Track is on a first-come, first-served basis.

  1. Send us your completed Fast Track form along with estimated number of campers.
  2. Send $150 Aug 1-Nov. 30. Non-refundable and does not apply to other fees.
  3. You may purchase one Fast Track reservation for each week you attend (Youth, Junior).
  4. Weeks may fill up before the November 30 end of Fast Track.
  5. Save more money by securing the early registration costs. Send in registration fees by February 28.

Send all Fast Track Reservations to:
West Branch
2501 E. Pinetree Dr.
Williams, AZ 86046

Beautiful Campground!

God has provided many facilities at West Branch. Highlights include:

* cool, beautiful cabins which include full restroom facilities and furnaces for colder season use

* 160-seat auditorium in the newly built Rasmussen Crossing

* mobile, full-scale, commercial kitchen for great meals

* volleyball and basketball/pickle ball courts, softball field, rodeo corral, obstacle course, arena soccer, a giant inflatable Bungee Run, mountain golf, Human Foosball, Gaga Ball, and game areas

* thousands of acres of hiking in the neighboring Kaibab National Forest

* a beautiful view of the San Francisco Peaks, the highest points in Arizona

From its beginning West Branch has encouraged its guests to honor the Lord in appearance. Wholesome standards displaying modesty and distinction between the sexes are intended to be a help and blessing to you. While camp dress is casual, we encourage each camper to clean up for supper and the service each evening.

Boys No shorts. Since all campers are asked to be neat and clean for the services, sweatpants or wind pants will not be appropriate for services. Jeans are fine.

Girls No pants, shorts (see last line), capris or gauchos. Skirts, dresses, and activity attire (culottes/athletic wear) must be knee-length and of proper fullness. Skirts or dresses are required in the mornings and evenings. This would include all meals and services. Culottes of proper length and fullness should be worn only in the afternoons for sports and other activities. (Junior camper girls may wear culottes throughout the day.) We accept knee-length, baggy athletic shorts as culottes.

Both Time is provided each day to clean up for the evening service. Campers are not required to “dress up,” but they are asked to be neat and clean due to the importance to the service each night.

Three delicious meals to youth and adults alike will be served each day from our mobile commercial kitchen with various options at each meal. Dining is outdoors under the beautiful pines with indoor options in case of rain.

Church groups stay together in our cabins (bunk beds) with full restroom facilities. Church counselors would need to stay with the campers in the cabins as no other lodging facilities are currently available.


All camper medications must be turned in to the camp first aid station and will be dispensed by staff on a regular schedule. Information and instructions for taking medication should be sent on the registration card. Diabetics or others on special diets must bring their own foodstuffs if supplement beyond regular meal is desired. A shared refrigerator and microwave is available for use under supervision for those with special dietary needs.

Plan to be West Branch for the first meal and first service. A good beginning is important to the success of the entire camp. Please contact us for special permission for any camper to come later than the arranged beginning of camp. Youth and Junior camps begin Monday afternoon with check-in from 2:00-4:00 PM. During Youth and Junior camps, there is an opening meeting at 4:30, and the first meal is served at 5:30. The first Junior Camp service at 7:00 and the first Youth Camp service is at 7:30.

All summer camps end after the last service Friday night. Plan to leave by 8 AM Saturday morning.

Bring a Bible, notebook, pen, flashlight, bedding/sleeping bags (bunk beds), towels, washcloths, reusable water bottle, good shoes for activities, and other personal items. Northern Arizona weather is often still cool during mornings, evenings, and rainy seasons; we recommend bringing a light jacket or hoodie. Bedding, towels and washcloths may be rented from West Branch (limited supply). Teen campers may wish to bring their own softball glove or musical instruments if they wish to participate in tournaments or competitions (contact us for details). You will need money for snacks, souvenirs, books, speaker offerings, etc.

Please DO NOT bring
Radios, CD/MP3/DVD players, gaming devices, skate boards, bikes, roller blades, large knives, or firearms. No smoking. No pets.

Cell Phones
While youth and junior campers may bring cell phones with them for use on the trip, they will be required to turn them in to their counselor for the duration of the camp week. Cell coverage is also spotty on site. There is also no wifi available on the campground.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can we register online?
A: There is no registration portal online; however, you may print registration forms, complete them, and email a scanned attachment to us. You may do this with individual cards or all cards from a group. Registration payments may be sent by check, cash or money order (check preferred) or by making credit card payments over the phone (928.635.2097).

Q: When do we arrive?
A: Youth and Junior camps begin Monday afternoon with check-in from 2:00-4:00 PM. During Youth and Junior camps, there is an opening meeting at 4:30, and the first meal is served at 5:30. The first Junior Camp service at 7:00 and the first Youth Camp service is at 7:30.

Q: Do church counselors need to register, and what is the cost for them?
A: Yes, every adult that comes to camp needs to register using the same forms that the campers use. There will be a place to mark that he/she is coming as an adult. The cost for camp is the same as the cost for the camper. *Note: two church counselors per church may come free as a result of Fast Track reservations. One additional church counselor may come free for every 15 campers registered by February 28.

Q: Who qualifies as a church counselor and how many counselors does our group need?
A: We prefer church counselors to be at least 20 years old or married. (Contact us about exceptions.) One church counselor for every 8 to 10 campers is an ideal ratio. If possible, there should be at least one man and one woman with each church group. We understand that not all groups will be able to do this. While your church’s camp experience will be better with church adults staying for the week, having “church counselors” is only a strong suggestion not a requirement. All adults will stay with the campers unless they have made separate reservations off camp. (We recommend all adults stay with their campers.) Staff counselors take care of all facility needs and provide organizational leadership. Church counselors are then free to spend time with the kids and be their primary counselors when the young people respond in service invitations.

Q: Can church counselors bring their young children with them to camp?
A: We encourage church counselors not to bring their young children with them to camp, if at all possible, for two reasons: (1) our weeks are not set up to accommodate small children (no nurseries, etc.), and (2) necessary care for the children during the week would keep the church counselor from being able to focus their attention on the campers that came with them. With this said, we understand that sometimes this is unavoidable. In this case, the church counselors may reserve their own accommodations off camp. No children under camp age are permitted in camp cabins.

Q: Can my group add on campers after our week is declared “full”?
A: Yes. Though a week is declared “full” to any new groups, we purposely leave space for any of our existing groups to grow. We never want you to have to turn away campers! Please be sure to send their registrations in to us as soon as possible so that we can plan appropriately. Any last-minute add-ons (within 1 week of your camp date) should be communicated to us by phone or email, and the registration forms can be turned in upon arrival.

Q: What about camper medication?
A: For the safety of all campers in the cabin, we ask that all medication be turned in to the first aid staff upon arrival. (Exceptions would be inhalers and EpiPens for those accustomed to carrying them with them.) Our medical staff will keep careful records and will ensure that each camper receives his/her medication when needed.

Q: What about campers with special diets?
A: Due to the wide variety of campers that come each week, we cannot accommodate every allergy and diet represented. Campers with special food needs can bring supplemental food with them. We will ask church counselors rather than the campers to keep track of the foodstuffs during the week. A shared refrigerator and a microwave is available for church counselor use in such occasions. However, this equipment is shared among campers and staff with dietary needs. You will not be able to plan on exclusive use of the fridge space. 

Q: What is your policy about cell phones?
A: While youth and junior campers may bring cell phones with them for use on the trip, they will be required to turn them in to you or another church counselor for the duration of the camp week. Their staff counselor will collect any phones that have not already been collected by the church counselor. Any emergency calls can be arranged through the church counselor. Parents may feel free to call West Branch (928.635.2097) if a message needs to be conveyed to their children.

Q: Is there a place to do laundry?
A: There are no facilities available on camp, but there are two coin-operated laundromats in nearby Williams.

Q: What is the cost for renting linens?
A: A full set of linens (bedding, pillow, towel, washcloth) can be rented from the Linen Room for $7. If a camper needs an individual item, the costs are as follows: sheets ($2), towels ($1), washcloths ($1),pillow/case ($1), blanket ($2).