West Branch exists to help churches of the West. In operating this ministry to local churches, West Branch also benefits from the support of these churches. This support comes in several ways: attendance to conferences and participation in special programs, use of West Branch/Bill Rice Ranch evangelists in local church meetings, hosting a West Branch on the Move event, and financial support.
A local church in the West qualifies as a Trailblazer for a year when they accomplish some preset combination of these areas of support. Trailblazers then receive a discount on registration fees at West Branch on the Move events during that year and receive a regular West Branch newsletter. For more information on how your church can become a Trailblazer, please contact us at .
*For years, the Bill Rice Ranch ministries as a whole have intentionally involved leadership from local churches as “church counselors” in youth camps. Because young people are being helped by their churches back home, we believe they can and should be helped by their church while they are at camp too. Therefore, in a week of camp, “church counselors” are heavily involved, youth groups are housed together, and most of the activities are organized as church competition. Since God is pleased to use the preaching of the Bible as the primary avenue of ministry in a local church setting, we believe it pleases God to use that same method—Bible preaching—in a camp or conference setting too. (C.A.M.P.—a Controlled Atmosphere for the Ministry of Preaching)