II Corinthians 9:7 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

What Kind of Giver Are You?

Does God love a cheerful giver? “Of course, Brother Wil; the verse says that!” Why do you think God loves a cheerful giver? Because He gives cheerfully! God is able “to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” God gives cheerfully, and those who give cheerfully are not rich; they are godly.

God doesn’t need your money. God wants you and loves you, but He doesn’t need “what you have to offer” him. God invites you to give because He wants to give to you. Consider the widow of Zeraphath and God’s prophet, Elijah. God didn’t need a poor widow’s meal and oil to feed Elijah; He had previously used dirty birds to feed Elijah. But a woman who was about to starve had her needs met when God sent someone else who had need to her! People who give always have something to give.

Often we would like to just grit our teeth and fulfill our duty and give (not so) cheerfully instead of believing God’s promise to give. The poorest kind of “rich” is money rich. That is good news! The richest kind of “rich” is giving what God would have you give. There is nothing you will give that God has not given you first. God loves a cheerful giver because God is a cheerful Giver. What kind of giver are you?

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