Acts 14:3 “Long time therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.”

What’s in Your Heart?

Have you ever talked to a bow hunter? No matter the subject, the conversation seems to always go back to bow hunting! That may be true with many things about which people are passionate. Whatever fills your heart will characterize your life.

When pushed by persecution and trouble, the believers in Acts “overflowed” with the Lord Jesus. Typically, when we are pushed by trouble, our natural instinct is “flight or fight.” Later in Acts chapter 14, when people wanted to worship Paul and Barnabas, they again were filled with Christ. Our natural response when men want to exalt us is to do as little as possible to stop them. The believers in Acts went from fear of being killed to being worshipped as gods, but their response came from a heart filled with Christ.

Truthfully, when you are “squeezed” by today’s events, you will overflow with what fills your heart. There is no way that you can anticipate and prepare every response you will have today. What will you do when someone flatters you? What will you do when others are against you? Only Christ can live His life in and through you. Don’t act spiritual; be Spirit-filled!

“Lord, when I am pressured today, help me to overflow with You.”

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