Character Development Program

We define character as doing right apart from outside influences, including anticipated gain or possible punishment.

Through our original Character Development Program, we aim to instill in our students a desire to do the right thing (if everyone is looking or if no one is); and “right” is dictated by the principles outlined in the Bible. We have chosen nine character traits to teach throughout the year – one per month, building upon each other. These traits are modeled, taught, and rewarded consistently at BRCA, in and outside the classroom. The desire to do right must be planted and grown from the time the child is young and throughout adolescence. Our goal for training Christian character is to produce young people who desire to do right on their own by obeying God’s principles.


Actions brought about by submission to authority


Honoring and having consideration for others


Gratefulness of heart and outwardly giving thanks


Being entire and entirely honest


Fulfilling your duties


Making right choices without hope of reward or fear of punishment


Steady application
and thoroughness


Having goodness of nature and showing friendliness


Selflessly helping others

“There is a strong emphasis on building good and godly character”

Parent – Murfreesboro, TN

"Do right, not easy!"

Average Class Size