Middle School Character Development Program

While the Character Development Program is a huge part of what we do in the Elementary grades, it intensifies in Middle School.

Middle School Teams
Middle School Teams provide opportunities for students to grow in leadership. All students are assigned to one of three teams at the beginning of their 6th grade year and remain on that team throughout Middle School (and for the rest of their lives!). These teams compete all year long in two categories – knowledge and character. Points can be earned any time during the day for displaying good character, completing service hours, making A’s, not getting unprepareds, etc. The team with the most points by Middle School Graduation will be crowned the Team of the Year.

The Apoblepo Aces is a team that is known for RESPECT – exceptional RESPECT! Our version of respect is higher than just “yes, ma’am” or “no, ma’am.” Not only is respect the definition of Apoblepo, but Apoblepo is also the definition of respect! Respect is Apoblepoians’ everyday goal, in & out of school. It’s not just about winning the Team Championship to us…it’s about becoming the respectful person God wants us to be. With God’s help, we’re off to a great start in our lives & will only get stronger in our character.

Meaning in Biblical Greek: Respect
Theme Verse: And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. -Luke 6:31
Championships: 2015-16, 2017-18, 2020-21
Rally Cry:
Leader: “When fired up!” 
Team: “We’re in control!” 
Leader: “We show respect!” 
Team: “That’s how we roll!” 
First Staff Leader: Miss Chantel Kessler
First Team Leader: Shekynah Inbarajan
Current Staff Leader: Mr. Cody Long
Current Team Leader: Lulu Ward


Hypakouo is blue. Hypakouo is the Hammerheads. But most importantly, Hypakouo is obedience. Hypakouoians are a different breed of bright kids who obey authority right away, who challenge others to do right, who strive to be exceptionally kind & encouraging to each individual, who learn to work as a team, and who prepare for future leadership. Hypakouoians are a “peculiar people” who is known for doing right & shining the light of Christ as a group.

Meaning in Biblical Greek: Obedience
Theme Verse: Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. -Ephesians 6:1
Championships: 2016-17, 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24
Rally Cry: One says, “Who you with?” Everyone else says, “Hyp-a-kouo!”
First Staff Leader: Mr. Nathan Reeves
First Team Leader: Caroline Vernon
Current Staff Leader: Mr. Nathan Reeves
Current Team Leader: Valentine Dallas


When you think of Teleios, don’t just think of “The Green Team” or “The Mighty Tornadoes.” Teleios is something more – we’re a group of Middle School students who want to honor God by having, showing & maintaining exceptional integrity the Bible speaks of in Proverbs 11:3. Integrity is not just honesty…it has the idea of always being one (integer) or the same person. Teleiosians are ready & willing to learn what is right & do it consistently. Even though it’s hard sometimes, we try to “Do right, not easy!”

Meaning in Biblical Greek: Integrity
Theme Verse: The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. -Proverbs 11:3
Championships: 2018-19, 2019-20
Rally Cry: T-E-L-E-I-O-S…Integrity is the best! T-E-L-E-I-O-S…our character outshines the rest! Go TORNADOES!
First Staff Leader: Miss Justina Bartels
First Team Leader: Alonya Watson
Current Staff Leader: Miss Hannah Mae Gorham
Current Team Leader: Caleb Hill


Character Commitment
“I give my word that I will not lie, steal, or be disrespectful.” This Character Commitment is memorized and signed each year by each Middle School student at the Character Commitment Ceremony. The violation of the Character Commitment is considered a serious offence.

Middle School Jacket Ceremony
All Middle School students have the opportunity to earn their Team Jacket. Teachers vote weekly on who they think is currently displaying the best character. If the vote is unanimous, that student earns his or her Team Jacket at the Team Jacket Ceremony.

Service Hours
Serving others is one of the best character traits one can learn. BRCA Middle School students have service hour requirements each quarter that can be done at church, at home, in the community, or a school. Students participate in school-sponsored service projects that include helping with Bible collating, nursing home outreach, food drives, and camp clean up.

Middle Schooler training consists of mentorships, monthly handshaking competitions, service activities, and team building activities. They are trained how to  give the Gospel, conduct an election, and hold a press conference. Abilities gained include dinner etiquette, financial success, and interview skills.

The Amazing Shake
All training leads to The Amazing Shake! This competition uses local community leaders to test students on professional skills such as charisma, poise, and the perfect handshake! It’s the culmination of all the training we do throughout the year. You can watch the video HERE.


And there is so much more! To see more about teams and training, click here!

“There is a strong emphasis on building good and godly character”

Parent – Murfreesboro, TN