Student Life

At BRCA, we know how to have fun!

A small school setting allows us to do more…

While many schools do not take field trips anymore, Bill Rice Christian Academy takes two each year. Field trips are an excellent way to inspire learning outside the classroom.

Theme Days
Every month brings a “Theme Day” at Bill Rice Christian Academy. Everything from Western Day to Hawaiian Day to Valentine’s Day – Theme Days bring extra life to our school.

Our Elementary and Middle School/High School chapels allows our 3rd-12th graders to leave the classroom and hear the Bible taught to them in a very practical way, on their level. When the Bible is taught at Bill Rice Christian Academy, it is always age-appropriate and helpful.

Middle School Teams
Middle School Teams provide opportunities for students to grow in leadership. All students are assigned to one of three teams at the beginning of their 6th grade year and remain on that team throughout Middle School (and for the rest of their lives!). These teams compete all year long in two categories – knowledge and character. Points can be earned any time during the day for displaying good character, completing service hours, making A’s, not getting unprepareds, etc. The team with the most points by Middle School Graduation will be crowned the Team of the Year. More can be learned here.

Private Piano Lessons
Private piano lessons (K5-12th) are optional & during school hours.

Summer Camps
Our current 2nd-12th graders always enjoy an exciting week of camp at the Bill Rice Ranch! They enjoy strengthening friendships through activities, Cowboy Town, horse rides, swimming, excellent meals, and Gospel services for a full week. It’s also a good way to meet other Christian young people from outside Murfreesboro. BRCA camp week jump-starts the school year!

“The consistency and strength of our son’s education at BRCA so far convinces us that we made the right choice.”

Nolensville Parent

“Nowhere else will you find the unique combination of character training, individual attention, and quality education in a consistently loving and nurturing atmosphere.”

Murfreesboro Mom

“BRCA provides a safe atmosphere which focuses not only on education but individualized, personal growth of each child.”

2nd Grade Grandparent