Deaf Camp
FREE for Ages 9-19
2022 Deaf Campership
Come Experience Camp Video
Invitation to Deaf Camp Video
Need a Ride to Camp?
2025 Deaf Week Preachers

Evangelist Allen Snare

Tyler Thornton

David Peach
2025 Deaf Camp Weeks
Deaf Week 1
June 9-13
Deaf Week 2
June 23-27
Deaf Week 3
July 7-11
Deaf Camp Week Details
There are many opportunities for fun on the Bill Rice Ranch. We offer a sports tournament (basketball, volleyball, soccer, softball, and flag football) as well as other unique games. Deaf campers may also enjoy a horse ride, putt-putt, swimming, a hike, or simply talking with deaf friends from around the country at Cowboy Town.
Every morning and evening, deaf young people will enjoy clear, simple, Bible messages in ASL from Deaf Evangelist Allen Snare. Tyler Thornton (Director of Deaf Camp and Outreach) and other experienced staff also teach in these services using Total Communication. Our summer staff counselors, including some who are deaf themselves, are well-trained.
Bring a Bible, notebook, pen, bedding (bunk beds), towels, washcloths, swimsuit (no two-piece suits), and other personal items. Bedding, towels, and washcloths may be rented at camp. You will need money for: cowboy cookouts and trail rides (see below), snacks, souvenirs, books, etc.
Please DO NOT bring
Radios, CD/MP3/DVD players, skateboards, bikes, or rollerblades. No smoking. No pets.
Cell Phones
While campers may bring cell phones with them for use on the trip, they will be required to turn them into their counselor for the camp week.
Bring money for these special activities:
Cowboy Cookout
A Bill Rice Ranch classic! Horse or wagon ride through the beautiful east pasture. Delicious food including steak, eggs, hashbrowns, Tennessee toast, Cowboy Coffee & Wonder-Juice. Unforgettable cowboy entertainment.
Teens: $17/wagon, $19/horse
Horse Rides
Scenic 30-minute trail rides on the back property. Well-trained horses. Corny cowboy jokes at no added cost!
Teens: $10 (30 minutes long) and $18 (1 hour)
Tickets cannot be reserved ahead of time but may be purchased throughout the camp week.
From its beginning the Ranch has encouraged its guests to honor the Lord in appearance. Wholesome standards displaying modesty and distinction between the sexes are intended to be a help and blessing to you.
Boys: No shorts. Sweatpants or wind pants will not be appropriate for meals or services.
Girls: Skirts, dresses, and activity attire (culottes/athletic wear) are appropriate for your week at the Ranch. They must be knee-length and loose. No shorts, pants, capris, or cut-offs, please. Skirts or dresses are required in the mornings and evenings. This would include all meals and services. Activity attire should be worn only in the afternoons for sports and other activities. No two-piece swimsuits, unless the top and bottom overlap.
Each meal is served as an all-you-can-eat buffet in an air-conditioned dining hall. The Ranch takes pride in the quality of food served; it’s guaranteed to be the best camp food you have ever had!
Youth groups stay together in our recently renovated and air-conditioned cabins. Each room is equipped with its own restroom and showers.
Information and instructions for taking medication should be sent on the registration card. Diabetics or others on special diets must bring their own foodstuffs if supplement beyond regularly provided meals is desired.
Plan to be on the Ranch for the first meal and first service. A good beginning is important to the success of the entire camp. Each summer camp week begins Monday at 2 PM. The first meal is served at 6:30 PM; the first service is at 8 PM. The camp week ends after the last service Friday night. Plan to leave by 8 AM Saturday.
The Ranch will provide transportation from the Nashville Airport, Bus Station, or Murfreesboro Bus Station at $35 per person per trip ($25 if group of 4 or more). Send your travel schedule to us if you wish to be picked up from one of these locations.
FREE WEEK of Camp for Deaf ages 9-19!
Register for camp early! Weeks will fill up quickly so save your spot today by following the Five Steps to Register.
Church Counselors for the Deaf
Cost per counselor $200 (includes $50 registration fee). Must be at least 20 years old.
5 Steps to Register
- Choose your week early!
- Complete the registration form – CLICK TO DOWNLOAD FORM
- Enter all information requested
- Mail in form
- Bring your Deaf friends!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When do we arrive?
A: Each summer camp week begins Monday afternoon with check-in from 2-6 PM. The first meal is served at 6:30 PM; the first service is at 8 PM. The camp week ends after the last service Friday night. Plan to leave by 8 AM Saturday.
Q: Do church counselors need to register, and what is the cost for them?
A: Yes, every adult that comes to camp needs to register using the same forms that the campers use. There will be a place to mark that they are coming as an adult. The cost per church counselor is $200 (this includes the $50 registration fee).
Q: Who qualifies as a church counselor and how many counselors does our group need?
A: All church counselors must be at least 20 years old or married. One church counselor for every 8 to 10 campers is an ideal ratio. If possible, there should be at least one man and one woman with each church group. Please contact the registrar if this is a problem. All adults will automatically stay with the campers unless staying in a Fast Track room or renting a deluxe room.
Q: Can church counselors bring their young children with them to camp?
A: We encourage church counselors not to bring their young children with them to camp, if at all possible, for two reasons: (1) our youth weeks are not set up to accommodate small children (no nurseries, etc.), and (2) necessary care for the children during the week would keep the church counselor from fully being able to focus their attention on the campers that came with them. With this said, we understand that sometimes this is unavoidable. In this case, the church counselors may rent a family deluxe room. Contact the registrar for prices and to reserve the room.
Q: Can my group add on campers after our week is declared “full”?
A: Yes. Though a week is declared “full” to any new groups, we purposely leave space for any of our existing groups to grow. We never want you to have to turn away campers! Please just be sure to send their registrations to us as soon as possible so that we can plan appropriately. Any last-minute add-ons (within 1 week of your camp date) should be communicated to the registrar by phone or email, and the registration forms can be turned in upon arrival.
Q: What about camper medication?
A: For the safety of all campers in the cabin, we ask that all medication be turned in to the First Aid station upon arrival. Our medical staff will keep careful records and will ensure that each camper receives his/her medication when needed.
Q: What about campers with special diets?
A: Due to the wide variety of campers that come every week, we cannot accommodate every allergy and diet represented. Campers with special food needs can bring supplemental food with them. If the food needs to be refrigerated, please accompany the camper to Center Hall to store it there. Specific menu information will be available upon request.
Q: What is your policy about cell phones?
A: While campers may bring cell phones with them for use on the trip, they will be required to turn them into you or another church counselor for the duration of the camp week. Their staff counselor will collect any phones that have not already been collected by the church counselor. Any emergency calls can be arranged through the church counselor. Parents may feel free to call the Ranch if a message needs to be conveyed to their children.
Q: Is there a place to do laundry?
A: Yes. Our Wash Tub is available for use by church counselors throughout the week. The Wash Tub is fully equipped with several washers and large dryers. The washers and dryers take quarters, you may exchange money for quarters at Cowboy Town Bank.
Q: What is the cost of renting linens?
A: A full set of linens (bedding, pillow, towels, washcloths) can be rented from the Linen Room for $20. If a camper needs an individual item, the costs are as follows: sheets ($6), 2 towels ($5), 2 washcloths ($4), pillow/case ($4), and blanket ($6).
Need a ride to camp?
Email Tyler Thornton at