I Samuel 27:4 “And it was told Saul that David was fled to Gath: and he sought no more again for him.”

Have you ever found yourself on the wrong side of an issue or argument, mainly because the right person was mean and the wrong person was nice? This phenomenon may happen inside your house, while you are watching the news, or even at some meeting in your church or with a group of churches. Unfortunately, personality often trumps principle; and personalities can often misrepresent principles. Neither one is good; both are wrong!

David did not trust Saul, so what did he do? He fled to Gath, the very city of a giant named Goliath. Yes, that Goliath! Why in the world would David flee to the land of the Philistines? And why in the world would he pick Gath? Because of his disrespect for Saul, David left his God-given country to seek refuge with the enemies of God. He let personality trump principle.

I suspect the same temptation is all too familiar to you, as well. Can I give you some advice? First, a word to the “seasoned”–to those who have experience: Don’t turn good people away by your bad actions! Don’t be like King Saul who worshipped the true God and said great things, but his life was self-centered and lacked integrity. Right principles with bad actions will do more harm than you know. Saying right things while failing to live a right life actually negates everything good you might say! What you say is not wrong; what you are is wrong! Godly principles with fleshly living is not right!

Secondly, a word to the young: Don’t turn from the right because someone misrepresents it. It is far too easy to give up what is right because of someone else’s bad actions. Don’t do it! Sadly, there will always be examples of folks with right principles but wrong actions. Act in prayer, not despair. David would have been far better off if he had asked God about the situation instead of going to Gath. As the saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right!

Don’t allow personality to trump principle (what is right). Forsaking what is right because of a personality conflict is a cop-out. There are hypocrites, selfish people, inconsistent people, and fleshly Christians everywhere. Don’t let their wrong discourage you from doing right in your life!

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