Matthew 16:8-9 “Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have bought no bread? Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?”

Do you have a bad memory? Has your bad memory ever been an embarrassing thing? Maybe it is an old friend whose name you can’t remember, or a lost pencil you search all over for (only to find it stuck behind your ear). A bad memory can be embarrassing!

In Matthew 16, Christ was attempting to teach a lesson-a lesson He never finishes. He teaches lesson two, but lesson one never comes. You cannot find the lesson of the leaven in this chapter. The lesson of today (leaven) became the lesson of yesterday (faith) because the disciples had a bad memory.

The disciples had no bread. They quietly assumed that was the lesson. But do you think Jesus was really worried about bread? Of course not. “Little faith” and a short memory go together. The Lord says in verse 9, “Do ye not yet understand, neither remember . . . .” It is easy for us to really let the disciples have it on this one, but we are not any better.

We can miss God’s lesson and provision tomorrow if we do not learn God’s lesson of today and yesterday. This is something that is oftentimes not obvious to you and I. But we cannot afford to get through today without God’s provision. Thank God for what He did “back in the day,” but we need Him now. Let what He has done strengthen your faith for the future.

Your future is completely in God’s hands. You can’t see the future, but you can look in the past and remember what God has done. Put your faith in the God Who was more than able before and is more than able today.

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