Matthew 18:3 “And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

If I were going to teach you something important, I would not have a child show you. For example, if I were going to teach you how to pull my fifth-wheel trailer, I would not have my 5-year-old son show you how. However, when it comes to the important things about the life and the life to come, the Lord Jesus illustrates with those you would not expect-little children.

The disciples ask the wrong question in verse 1: “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” The question of whom is “better than” is the wrong question-it is a false standard, an inferior benchmark that will lead you astray.

The Lord Jesus used kids as an example for salvation. Why is a child an example for salvation? His ignorance and inability are to his advantage. An adult without Christ knows just enough and is just able enough to miss God’s way to Heaven. Once we are saved, we are not much better than that sometimes. We trust Christ alone for salvation, ask Him to save us, but then we think we can “take it from here.” That is not square; that is not right. That is what the Bible calls “wood, hay, and stubble.” (I Corinthians 3:12-13)

Kids are also an example of greatness. It is not how great the person, but how great God shines through. That is a very general statement with very practical applications. You may try to get through your day by your personality; you may try to muscle your way through your day. But God’s way is illustrated by the humility of a little child.

Paul Levin preached at the Ranch for many years, and he used to tell a story of a revival crusade he held. Someone asked about the service, and Paul Levin said-about the four people who trusted Christ-, “We had 3 ½ people saved.” The inquirer said, “Oh, I see. You mean you had 3 adults and one kid saved.” “No,” Dr. Paul answered, “We had 3 kids and 1 adult saved.” The children had the rest of their lives to live for Christ, but the adult had only half to live for Christ.

The Lord Jesus used children to teach very important truths, and may God help us to learn them well.

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