Exodus 3:14“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”

What would you ask God if you could ask Him three questions today and receive straight, clear, immediate answers? The truth is, you would probably ask the wrong questions. You are better of to let God answer the questions you should have today-and He already has.

Moses asks a good question in Exodus 3:11. “Who am I, that I should. . . .” Stated in a declaration, Moses says, “I cannot do this, God.” And that was true; Moses had no power, no influence, and no way to execute God’s plan. Previously to this, Moses had seen two Jewish men fighting, and he could not even get those two men from his own country to follow him, much less a whole nation.

But God never answers Moses’ question; He does answer the question that Moses should have asked. In verse 12, God says, “Certainly I will. . . .”, and in verse 14, He says, “I AM.” Whatever may be your question of “am I”, God’s answer is “I AM.” You may wonder today, “How am I _____?” God’s answer is, “I AM.” What am I to do about _____? “I AM.” When am I _____? “I AM.”

It is not about us; it is about God working through people like us. “Who am I?” or “Look at me” will both lead you astray. It is not as though you will impress God with what you have-He gave you everything you have.

For everything you are not, and for everything you need, God says, “I AM.” That means He is the Eternally Existent and All-Sufficient One, the Creator of the universe. And you can trust His answer to your questions today!

Prayer Requests:

1. Revival services tonight in Thomasville, GA and Mesa, AZ

2. West Branch Families on the Move Conference (2/20-21)

For more information about the Bill Rice Ranch visit our website: billriceranch.org
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