Leviticus 14:54-57 “This is the law for all manner of plague of leprosy, and scall, And for the leprosy of a garment, and of a house, And for a rising, and for a scab, and for a bright spot: To teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean: this is the law of leprosy.””

Just the other day, for most of the day, I cleaned out the barn behind my house. My barn is the place where-perhaps like you-I accumulate all types of things. I found sink parts (left over from a previous repair), screen for a screen door (in case there is a future repair), and various other things I’ve been stashing away since the last time I cleaned out the barn. I have learned that the security of having parts and seldom-used items has to be balanced with the volume the security creates. That is why I spent the good part of a day “cleaning house.”

Leviticus 14 deals with how to take care of contagious things. God not only wanted the physical to be clean and holy, but He also wanted their lives to reflect that. You probably will not find an in-depth study of chapter 14 in Sunday School this Sunday, but these would be important matters if you lived in a community of several thousand people. Some Bible teachers believe the “leprosy of a house” was some type of mold that could infect your physical house. You would be interested in knowing how to take care of that when living in close quarters.

Knowing how to take care of contagious things not only applies to cleaning our houses but also to cleaning our lives. It is important to actively clean the mold, clutter, dirt, and grime in your house today; in the same way, you ought to consider how clean your life is today. Cleaning is important because things build up-they can accumulate. Just like dirt in your house, the “dirt” of the world tends to build up. You ought to check your life and clean out any dirtiness you find.

Cleaning is also important because bad things spread-they can be contagious. Wouldn’t you like to know if your neighbor has a contagious disease? You want to stay away if you can catch it! Often people will not shake hands at church if they have a cold; they don’t want to pass along the germs. But not even a cold can spread as quickly as a bad attitude. When someone has a rotten, complaining attitude, it can spread like a contagious disease in a matter of minutes! That is why you must clean your life today-because things spread.

Reading Leviticus will remind you of dirt, grime, and contamination. Let your thinking about hygiene remind you to think about your life. Purity is important to God-today is a great day to do some cleaning!

Prayer Requests:

1. Bill Rice Ranch Homeschool Conference (4/2-4/4)

2. Revival services tonight in Columbus, OH

For more information about the Bill Rice Ranch visit our website: billriceranch.org
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