Leviticus 19:11-12 “Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another. And ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shall thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.”

Imagine receiving the bills for thousands of dollars worth of merchandise that you never purchased. The goods were purchased in your name and with your credit cards, but you were not the one buying them! Identity theft is a major threat now, and the damage can be devastating to your credit and your good name.

In Leviticus 19 we learn just how precious the name of God is to God. Repeatedly throughout the chapter, the Lord reminds us, “I am the LORD.” The wonderful truth of salvation is that we have an inheritance and access to Heaven because of God’s name. To reverently relate it to our opening illustration, we have access to God’s Heavenly bank account. Because of our relationship, we are tied to God-what we do charges Him. Has God been charged with things that He has not done?

What I do and say should be shaped by Who God is. Consider verse 14: “Thou shalt not curse the deaf. . . .” Would a deaf man know if you cursed him? No, he would not. Would God know? Absolutely; “I am the LORD.”

“Nor put a stumblingblock before the blind. . . .” Would a blind man immediately know the danger if you placed a stumbling block in his path? No, he would not. Do you think God would know? He does know; “I am the LORD.”

You may be able to take advantage of people, but you will not take advantage of God. Verse 17 commands us to “not hate thy brother in thine heart. . . .” Does your brother know right away if you hate him in your heart? No, but God does; “I am the LORD.”

Have you caught the theme of Leviticus 19? Like a catchy tune, God repeats over and over, “I am the LORD.” And that is significant to us because it should shape what we do and say today. Will God’s name be profaned–will it be associated with wrong–by your words and actions?

Identity theft is a terrible thing. Imagine if those thousands of dollars in bills were a result of someone in your house–your own family member–stealing your name! The way we act and the words we speak reflect on the Lord. He is the LORD, and we are tied to Him because of relationship in Christ. What you do today does affect His name–don’t be an identity thief!

Prayer Requests:

– Bill Rice Ranch Homeschool Conference today through Saturday

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