Ruth 1-4

The Book of Ruth is an unlikely story in every way. For instance, Ruth came from an unlikely family-the Moabites-to end up in the lineage of Christ. Then talk about an unlikely relationship-mother-in-laws are not unique, but they require three people: mother, child, child’s spouse. In the case of Ruth, this relationship was unlikely because her husband died, leaving only herself, her mother-in-law, and her sister-in-law. And the unlikely choice of Ruth when she “clave unto her” (Ruth 1:14) set the course for the rest of the book.

But what changed all of that? How did someone from an unlikely family with an unlikely relationship make an unlikely choice? Was it choice, chance, or providence?

Someone may contend, “Life is just a reaction to your actions today.” In other words, choice is the principle thing-you can know exactly what will be in ten years because of the choice you make. Now there is some truth to that, but is life determined exclusively by the choices we make, or is there something else?

Another person may interject chance: “Life is just a roll of the dice. Sometimes you’re lucky, and sometimes you’re not.” Interestingly, in Ruth 2:3, the Bible says of Ruth, “And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part. . . .” What are the chances of Ruth gleaning in the fields of a man who would later be her kinsman redeemer? Obviously chance had a part in the story of Ruth, but is that all? Was the Book of Ruth just a “roll of the dice”?

Finally, someone may conclude providence was the key. Boaz said in Ruth 2:12, “The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.” Certainly there was Divine providence, but does that mean that no matter what you do, what is on your life’s slate is locked in, and you can do nothing about it?

I have overemphasized the three choices to make a point. Ruth did make choices, and it appears from Scripture that “her hap” played a part. Neither of those facts diminished the fact that God’s providence guided the events of the Book of Ruth. The point is, God is in control, and He will win, whether or not you make the right choices. But when you make the right choices, you have a better chance because God is in control.

I am fully responsible for the choices I make; the same is true for you. While it is true that you are responsible for your choices today, you cannot always have a great chance today. You make choices, but you cannot make chance. I cannot always have a great chance, but I can always make the right choice. In the end, God will win. Think about your choices today. Make the right choice and have a better chance, but rest in the fact that God is in control.

Prayer Requests:

– Revival services tonight in Three Springs, PA; Lock Haven, PA; and Yuma, AZ

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