II Chronicles 36:16 “But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.”

Previously, we considered the question, “Is a man ever past hope?” We learned from two of the many Bible examples (Hezekiah and Saul of Tarsus) that a man is never too wicked or past hope with God.
However, in II Chronicles 36, God says of these folks that there “was no remedy.” What gives? Truthfully, the question of if a man is ever past hope is the wrong question; the right question to ask is, “When is a man past hope?”

You are never too wicked to get help; however, you can be too stubborn to get help. No problem is too great for God’s ability, but the problem for which there was no remedy was stubbornness. It matters not if you are talking about a druggie living wickedly or stubbornness in a small area of someone’s life.

Stubbornness is not always wrong-you should be stubborn in following the words of God without hearing anyone else. But stubbornness will keep you from the help-the remedy-that you need. The druggie who is living wickedly can be saved by faith in Christ, but there is no hope for that same man if he stubbornly refuses God’s way to Heaven. You probably do not struggle with illegal drugs, but what about that small area in your life where you are stubbornly refusing God’s help?
It is not the size of the sin that puts a man past hope; it is the “size” of his “ears”-his “hearing.” Any sinner can find help, and any saint of God can find help. The difference is whether you will humbly submit to God’s help or stubbornly refuse it. . . .

Prayer Requests:
1. Protection and provision for staff
2. Safety for Family Week and Junior Week campers traveling home from camp
3. Churches traveling to the Ranch from Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, South Carolina, Florida, North Carolina, West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Georgia, New Jersey, and Indiana.

Camp Quotes:
“Whatever happened yesterday did not exhaust [the ability or resources of] God.”
-Dr. Shelton Smith

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