Job 12:1-2 “And Job answered and said, No doubt but ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you.”

Job received an earful in chapter 11 from his friend, Zophar, and he replied in chapter 12 by sarcastically saying-in so many words-“You’re the man!” Boy, if Zophar wasn’t around, there would be no wisdom! Can’t you hear the sarcasm in his voice?!

Job answered in that way because he felt inferior (13:2). It was as if Zophar condescended and put Job in a lower place. The truths Job received were true and needed, but they didn’t help. It not only matters what is said, but when it is given and in what way it is given.

It has been said, “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” You know, that is true. You can beat someone over the head with the truth, but that probably will not help them. Job calls his friends “physicians of no value” in Job 13:4. A doctor may prescribe good medicine that has the power to help; but if it is not the right medicine for you, it doesn’t help!

So what should we do to be a help to people? First, we should listen. Listen with a motive that is beneficial to them. Job said in verses 5-6, “O that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it should be your wisdom. Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips.” That is good advice for us today-hold, hear, and hearken. Wisdom is sometimes best expressed without a word. Take time to listen.

Second, in order to be a help, we should look. Take a look at yourself. When others confront you, take an honest look at yourself. Before you speak, take a look at yourself. It is not wrong to speak up, but you will save hard feelings, heartache, and regret if you look before speaking.

We should speak up, be a help, and-as need be-confront. But God help us to listen and look, in order that we may be a help and not a hindrance.

Camp Quotes:
“What you believe determines how you behave.”
-Evangelist John Goetsch

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