Psalm 65:2 “O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.”

Names can be very important. In fact, many times names cast a reflection of the person being called by that name. Most of us go by several different “names” that are unique to us. For instance, my son Weston is sometimes called Johnny West, Buster (which fits him perfectly), or Westy (by his older sister, of course). Each name has a unique meaning for him.

On a much larger scale, the names of God are reflections of His character. I love what God is called in this verse: “O thou that hearest prayer.” Aren’t you glad that our God can truly be called a God that hears prayer?

Notice, first of all, the reason for prayer: “Unto thee shall all flesh come.” The word flesh reminds us of our limitations as human beings. We are at best very weak creatures without the aid of God.

Next, notice the scope of prayer: “Unto thee shall all flesh come.” Everyone on this planet is in need of God, whether they realize it or not. Prayer is not just reserved for the extra-spiritual or the extra-needy-we all need God and therefore need to pray.

Lastly, notice the confidence of prayer in verse 5: “By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea.” Here God is called the “God of our salvation,” the One who rescues us in time of need. We can be confident that our God is a prayer answering God!

Notice that He is “the confidence of all ends of the earth.” I was in a church last week where I met a man who had been saved out of Judaism and was thrilled to now know the true Messiah. Also in this church was a man saved out of Catholicism and another man saved out of a life of dependence upon alcohol and drugs. Though each man came from very different circumstances, they all had the same need and found the same remedy for their souls. Truly, God is the confidence of all ends of the earth!

May we remember this as we go to God in prayer. Unnumbered “gods” have been prayed to throughout the centuries, butonly one God actually hears the prayers offered up to Him. What a wonderfully appropriate name for our God: “O thou that hearest prayer”!

Prayer Requests:
1. Revival services tonight in Brazil, IN and Cookeville, TN
2. BRR Men’s Retreat this week (10/1-3)
3. BRR Sign Language School in Tipp City, OH this week (9/27-10/4)

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