Psalm 97:1 “The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.”

Some of the psalms can be summarized in one sentence-Psalm 97 can be summarized in three words: “The LORD reigneth.” Not too long ago, a new leader of France was put into power. He was given all of the secret codes that only the ruler can know, and now he is officially in power. As Americans, we often think a ruler’s power is only legitimate if he is voted in. We think we must have a say as to who is in power. Not so with God! God reigns-because God reigns. He does not need us to give Him the power, nor does He need the wicked to recognize His power. He is the supreme Ruler and always will be.

Verse 1 tells us why He has this power:because He is the “LORD.” When LORD is spelled in all capitals, it refers to His name, Jehovah (“I am that I am”). He has always existed from eternity past and will never cease to be.

Verse 2 tells us how the LORD reigns: “righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.” The perfect Ruler is one who rules in both righteousness and judgment, qualities that our elected rulers fall short of many times. He is always just, and He always does what is right.

Verse 5 tells us whom the LORD reigns over: “the Lord of the whole earth.” He reigns over everyone. This psalm emphasizes the fact that our God reigns supreme whether you recognize His lordship over you or not.

But what gives God the right to reign over all? He reigns over all because He is the Maker of it all! God is the only being that was never created; everything and everyone else received life from Him. The wicked must understand that He reigns (see verse 7), and the righteous must also recognize that He reigns (verse 8).

How you feel about the truth that God reigns is dependent upon your relationship to Him. If you are in rebellion against Him, this news is not good news. If you are walking with the Lord, this truth gives you reason to rejoice!

Earthly rulers will live, die, and be forgotten; but God will reign forever. All of the pharaohs are gone; Nebuchadnezzar is gone; Caesar is gone; Alexander the Great is gone; our leaders today will be gone. But God reigns supreme above all others, and He always will! Be encouraged and live in this truth today.

Prayer Requests:
– Revival services tonight in Reynoldsburg, OH; Menomonee Falls, WI; and Three Springs, PA

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