Lamentations 3:21-23 “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

We are certainly creatures of habit! We all like some things to be the same. For instance, some of you men probably have an old, ratty shirt that you still wear, just because it’s your favorite shirt-it doesn’t matter that it’s old! In fact, part of its growing charm, you feel, is that it’s been around for so long! For others of us, we like our daily routine. We like to do some things the exact same way every day.
But there are some things that must be fresh and new every day. Would you want to eat yesterday’s breakfast? Would you want to slip into yesterday’s clothes? Now let’s move to more important things. Aren’t you glad that the mercies of God are fresh and new every morning? Don’t live on God’s provision for yesterday-we can rejoice in the mercies He shows us every day!

Many times we try to make life fair. We struggle when something happens to us that doesn’t seem to be “fair.” But did you know that we would not want things to be completely fair? If life were completely fair, we would face the God’s judgment every day. Be thankful for God’s mercies and for the fact that His mercies are new each day.
God’s mercies are unfailing. Verse 22 says, “His compassions fail not.” The food I ate yesterday does not do me a whole lot of good today. I need fresh, new food today to give me the strength I need. So it is with the mercies of God. He does not intend for us to draw all of our strength from yesterday’s mercies. His compassions today are exactly what you need.

God’s mercies are also unending. Verse 23 says, “They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” I had the privilege of dealing with a teenage boy at camp who was broken over sin in his life. What a joy it was to confidently tell him about the mercies of the Lord! We can be assured that when we ask for His forgiveness, He is faithful to forgive. No matter how many times we must draw from them, His mercies have no end.

God’s mercies are cause for hope. Verse 24 says, “The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.” Most of the book of Lamentations reminds the Israelites of God’s judgment; but this passage gives cause for hope! “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.” (verse 21)

You can count on the fact that God’s mercies are available to you every day. His compassions never fail, and His mercies are always new. What wonderful promises to claim for today! “Great is Thy faithfulness!”

Prayer Requests:
1. Revival services tonight in Carrollton, IL
2. BRR Couples’ Retreat continuing today and tomorrow
3. Ranch evangelists traveling to services this weekend in Ripley, TN; Pampa, TX; Pittsburg, TX; Colonial Beach, VA; Greer, SC; and Greeneville,TN

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