Psalm 118:24 “This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”

The founder of the Ranch, Bill Rice, would often start his day with this psalm. Notice that this day is the day that God has made. Aren’t you glad the Bible doesn’t say, “Yesterday was the day”? This verse is eternally set in the present tense! “This is the day which the LORD hath made. . . .”

Do you prefer weather that is over 80 degrees, or do you prefer temperatures under 50 degrees? (I’ve been told there are such people!) Maybe you prefer “perfect weather”–how do you define that? In an average crowd, how many people would you please if you were the one determining the weather today? “Perfect” to you may mean 73 degrees and sunny, but I would be bored with that kind of weather after a week! I can enjoy warm weather and short sleeves; but I love jackets, sweaters, and layers of clothes. I like cold weather (occasionally). If I were making the weather today, I might only make 30% of the readership happy!

But the Bible reaffirms that “this is the day which the LORD hath made.” There is a certain amount of confidence, contentment, and peace of mind that comes with knowing that whatever the day is, God is the One who made it. No weather forecaster made today–God made this day.

Years ago, John Rice was praying for rain one morning because his little farm on the outskirts of Murfreesboro needed rain. He later found out that across town, a little boy was praying that the weather would be dry so he could attend the fair. So on one side of town, John Rice was praying for rain; and on the other side of town, some little boy was praying for a sunny day! Whose prayer do you think God answered? Well, it was a perfectly sunny day for the fair, and that evening it rained. Mrs. Lloys Rice was even amused that the boy got his prayer answered first!

This is the day that God has made–what should we do about it? “We will rejoice and be glad in it.” There is confidence, contentment, and peace in knowing that I am not in charge of the weather (or anything else about today). The weather is in God’s hands–“This is the day which the LORD hath made.” Whether the weather is sunny or rainy is up to God in heaven!

What will you make with the day that God has made? God made this day, by design and on purpose. What you do with today is up to you. You can have comfort and contentment today because God is the One who made it. What will you do make of the day that God has made?

Prayer Requests:
1. Revival service tonight in Bradenton, FL
2. West Branch Families on the Move Conference in Phoenix, AZ this weekend (2/26-2/27)

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