I Corinthians 10:31 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

What did you eat this morning? There is probably a wide range of answers, but let me ask you a second question: why did you eat this morning? Was it for fun? For fellowship? For fuel?

The book of I Corinthians is a book full of food! Notice our verse this morning which says, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink. . . .” In chapter 5, verse 8, Paul speaks of the “leaven of malice and wickedness” and the “unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”

In chapter 8, Paul addresses questions concerning meat offered to idols. His answer was not a one-dimensional answer; meat at someone’s home, at the market for purchase, and at the temple with idols all had a definite Bible answer: “do all to the glory of God.” These folks were thinking about everything except glorifying God!

In chapter 11, he deals with irreverent Lord’s Supper practices (verse 20). But what is the reason Paul mentions food specifically so many times? For what reason should we be concerned with food this morning? “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Honor God in everything-including food!

I do not know why you will eat later today, whether it is for fun, for fellowship with friends, or for fuel; but I do know that you ought to honor God in it. On occasion, we have banquets here at the Ranch. We have delicious food at these banquets. But the temptation is to think about the food or the logistics of a banquet and forget Who should be honored in it all! Honor God when you eat; honor Him when you set up and prepare for a meal; honor Him when you entertain guests; in other words, “do all to the glory of God”!

What you consume today is not about the fun, the fellowship, or the fuel; it is completely about doing “all to the glory of God.” Now, if you will excuse me, all this talk about food has made me hungry!

Prayer Requests:
1. A word from Bro. Rice regarding a special project need this month
2. Revival services tonight in San Diego, CA and Star, OK
3. Deaf Rally this weekend in Landrum, SC

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