Isaiah 43:7 “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.”

In Isaiah 43:7, God is emphasizing His creator-ship. It is astonishing that the people created by God had themselves made little gods. But God says, “I have created . . . I have formed . . . I have made him.”

It is true that God made each of us with different abilities, mindsets, and ways of doing things. We are more different than we probably realize. And there is something to be said for doing what God has made you to do. Can you think of someone who is doing exactly what they were made to do? Perhaps you know a builder, a teacher, or a preacher; and it is obvious that God made them to build, teach, or preach. But notice in verse 7 that what God made us to do is not defined in an ability, a vocation, or a job–what God made us to do is to glorify Him!

Verse 21 says, “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.” Furthermore, Isaiah 42:8 says, “I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” What this means is that I can be doing the job God has made me to do in the place God has made me to be, but I can fail to do precisely what God has made me to do: glorify Him. I can take the gifts and talents God has blessed me with and use them to do the exact opposite! If I preach, teach, or build (or whatever it is you do), but I receive all the glory for it, it is not right. That is backwards! God made me to glorify Him, not myself.

I recently overheard some men talking about a master carver who lived in the 1920s or 30s. He could replicate a train engine to the exact detail (to the very bolts!), but he had a very limited and poor education. He had a knack for “seeing” things; it was obvious that God had gifted this man. At a museum dedicated to his work, hosts talk about many of his fascinating works; but they spend the most time talking about the carver himself. His carvings are stunning, but what is more impressive is the man who made them! That is how it should be with God and us. People should see us and say, “Wow! I wonder Who made him?!” And ultimately God should be the One who gets the glory for what you do.

“For I have created him for my glory. . . .”

Prayer Requests:
1. Revival services tonight in Franklin, IN; Renovo, PA; Dixons Mills, AL; and Middletown, DE
2. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in LaSalle, IL; Boswell, PA; Corinth, MS; and Williamsport, PA

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