Ezekiel 1:1 “Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.”

Even on a cloudy day, the sun is still shining-we just can’t see it. There are two worlds: the one around us and the one above us. The world around you may be wet and dreary, but the sun is always shining in the world above. In Ezekiel chapter 1, we also see two worlds: the world around us and the world above us. The Bible reminds us to not be so taken with the world around us that we lose sight of the world above us. The world above us is the one the counts.

In verse 1, we see the world around Ezekiel, both in time frame and in geographical location. He was by the king’s great aqueduct in Babylon, miles away from home in captivity. But in the world around him, Ezekiel “saw visions of God” when “the heavens were opened.” That is the world above. We also see both worlds in verse 3: “The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest . . . in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him.”

There are a few things that I envy Ezekiel for, but I do not envy the world he saw around him! He was “among the captives . . . in the land of the Chaldeans.” He was a slave against his will in a place he didn’t want to be. Ezekiel’s world is a lot like the world you see when you step outside on a rainy morning. The only thing worse than a dreary day is a dreary life! If you are not careful, every day can be a dreary day because of the sin-cursed world that we live in.

One world will dictate to the other. The world above should dictate to the world around. Sometimes we are so focused on the things of the world around us that we cannot see the world above us. Take care that you do not lose focus on the eternal because of the temporary.

Consider Ezekiel for a moment. He was a slave in the world around him, but he was a priest in the world above! (verse 3) King Nebuchadneezer saw a slave by his aqueduct, but God saw a servant. Being a servant informed his being a slave. What is informing your life today? That depends on which world you are looking at!

You can despair at what is happening in the world around you; or you can, like Ezekiel, catch a glimpse of heaven above. Let the world above-God’s kingdom-dictate to man’s kingdom around you. While it is true that the world above should inform the world around, it will not come automatically today. You must listen to the world above (God and His Word) and have the courage to let it dictate to the world around you. Which world, the one around or the one above, is dictating your life today?

Prayer Requests:
1. Day Camp Outreach this week
2. Protection and provision for staff
3. Praise-20 campers saved last week during Youth/Junior/Deaf camp

Camp Quote:
“The point (to consider) is not WHEN you meet God but the fact that you WILL meet God.”
-Evangelist Bill Rice III

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