Ezekiel 3:18 “When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.”

What sin are you most likely to commit today? (That would be scary to answer out loud, wouldn’t it?) It would make sense that the sin you would most likely commit would be the easiest sin to commit. After all, sinning does take some effort. However, in Ezekiel 3, we learn that some of the greatest sins require the least amount of effort.

As I was thinking about this truth, I was reminded of actions and attitudes that come “second-nature.” Actually, they don’t come second nature-they come first nature. Think about your own life right now. The sin you are most likely to commit this morning is probably a sin of inaction rather than a sin of action. It is not a matter of what you are going to do later today; it is a matter of what you are not doing right now.

Let’s approach this from a different angle. What must a sinner do to go to hell? Nothing. If he does nothing, his inaction is the “action” that will send him to a Christ-less eternity. What must you do to send such a person to hell? Literally, nothing.

What must you do for evil to triumph, in your own heart or in your own house? Nothing! The truth is, passivity is not innocence. “But I didn’t do anything!” is not an excuse. Doing nothing is not the same as doing right.

The point we should take away from Ezekiel is that some of the greatest sins are the sins that require the least amount of effort. Committing a major crime requires a huge amount of effort, but the sins we are most likely to commit require no effort at all. You may be tempted to not do what you should do today because of foes or fears; but when you act on what God has said, His hand will be on you just as certainly as it was on Ezekiel. May the Lord give us courage and confidence to do what we should do today.

Prayer Requests:
1. Day Camp Outreach this week
2. Protection and provision for staff
3. Groups traveling to camp this weekend from New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, and Michigan

Camp Quote:
“The guide for success in the Christian life is always the Bible; the decision necessary for success is always obedience.”
-Evangelist Troy Carlson

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