Philippians 1:27 “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.”

Philippians is a book that focuses our attention on what we do and why we do it. For Paul, the what and the why were both the same. What he was doing was the Gospel; why he was doing it was the Gospel. In ministry, in your church, and in your own life spiritually, you may do everything efficiently, correctly, and well; but you are a failure if God is not in it and you are not “striving together for.”

“Striving” is not good if it is not “striving together.” “Striving together” is not worthwhile if it is not “striving together for.” The word together speaks of the people, and the word for speaks of the purpose. If you are missing either element, you really are missing out.

What should drive our what and our why is the Gospel. You will find the word gospel throughout Philippians 1, and I think that is very instructive. The Gospel affected Paul’s attitude and his fellowship with others (see verses 5, 12,18, 27). Paul was optimistic, selfless, confident, and content because of the Gospel.
I recently took a trip to the Philippines, and I had the privilege of preaching to a group of pastors. Although I had never met any of the Filipino pastors, I had sweet fellowship with them during my visit. In a country where culture, politics, and numerous other things are different, I didn’t have fellowship because they voted for my political party, enjoyed my hobbies, or anything else. The fellowship we had was good because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What you do and why you do it ought to be wrapped in the Gospel. The Gospel will help you have the right focus as you are “striving together for. . . .” Life is full of conflict, but when the Gospel is my focus, that will determine the people and the purpose for what I do. Harmony is not worth much at all if it is harmony in the insignificant or inferior. You can’t do better than “striving together for the faith of the gospel.” Take a moment to consider your what and why for today . . .

Prayer Requests:
1. Protection and provision for staff
2. Salvation of lost teen, junior, and deaf campers

Camp Quote:
“It is not God’s will for you to raise good kids; it is His will for you to raise godly kids.”
-Pastor Bob Jones

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