Micah 3:11 “The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, an say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.”

There are two major forces that affect what we do each day. One force is motivation; the other is dependence. Very often what motivates us in the morning is what we depend on at night. If you are motivated by control-controlling your day in every respect-you are going to lie awake at night thinking about all the loose ends from the day. If you are motivated by money, you are going to be very discontent at night. If you are motivated to hear a word of praise from someone, you will spend your night keeping tally of what happened during the entire day.

In Micah 3, the prophets who were sent by God to help people were motivated by money, yet they thought they were depending on God. They hated judgement and fairness, they judged for what they could get, and they taught and spoke for money. Then they had the audacity to say, “Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.” They were living for the devil but depending upon the fact that God would take care of them! Instead of telling the people what God had said, their message was determined by what they could get. They were motivated by something that they could not depend upon to survive.

There is a difference between depending upon God and presuming upon God. Depending upon God means my motivation, my strength, and my comfort at night is God. Presuming upon God means living for myself, and it means that my motivation is the praise of men, control of my day, or money. Presuming upon God brings a sense of entitlement (“I am fine”) because I am God’s child, or I work in a ministry, or I serve in my church. That is not square, and that is not right.
Very often what motivates you in the morning is what you depend upon at night. It is important to make sure you are depending upon God and not presuming upon Him. If you want to pillow your head peacefully tonight and lean upon something that is legitimate and comforting, make sure you have the right source of motivation today.

Prayer Requests:
1. Protection and provision for staff
2. Salvation of unsaved teen, junior, and deaf campers

Camp Quote:
“God is a God of second chances.” (Jonah 3:1)
-Evangelist Matt Downs

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