Mark 1:18 “And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.”

We “fish” for our keys and numerous other things, but the real point of “fishing” is going after fish! The Lord Jesus, however, charged some men in Mark chapter one to become “fishers of men.” Notice the response of these men: “And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.” The words straightway, forsook, and followed in verse 18 are key. What Peter and Andrew did, they did “straightway”; and what they did is described as forsaking and following.

You cannot have forsaking without following, and vice versa. You are not following Christ if you are not forsaking anything and everything that would hinder you from doing that. Interestingly, the word straightway means “right away,” but it also means “directly.” Those two ideas go together! The quickest route between two points is a straight line, and following the Lord straightway means both immediately and directly.
The truth is, everyone is following someone. You may be following Christ to some extent, but not everyone is following “straightway.” Following “straightway” is a decision you make moment-by-moment and day-by-day. Just think about the personalities of the men whom Jesus called: Peter, Andrew, James, and John! They were all different, but these are the men who “straightway” forsook and followed (verses 18, 20). James and John left their father, and all of them left their nets and everything that was familiar to them to follow “straightway.”

Are you following Christ “straightway”? Any way that is not “straightway” is not the right way. Are there priorities, ambitions, or attitudes that are keeping you from following “straightway”? Nets, a father, and fishing are not bad, unless there is something better that Christ has called you to that you have neglected. If you are not forsaking, you are not following. “Straightway” means forsaking anything that is a roadblock, detour, or distraction-even a good or innocent thing. The Lord would have us follow Him today without hesitation or reservation. Are you following “straightway”?

Prayer Requests:
1. Protection and provision for staff
2. Campers to be helped this week
3. Praise-21 campers were saved last week!

Camp Quote:
“Sin does not become acceptable because we redefine it.”
-Dr. Glen Jaspers

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