Titus 2:5b  “. . . that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

My wife loves picture frames.  In fact, we have boxes of just picture frames with no pictures in them. I’ve learned over the years that you do not need a picture in order to buy a picture frame!  For fun sometime, look in a fancy art gallery; and you’ll no doubt see a tiny painting or sketch framed in a beautiful, ornate frame.  The frame is a piece of artwork in its own right!

How you frame something is very important. What you see is often dictated by the way it is framed.  This truth applies to artwork, your life, and the Gospel.  The way you frame the Gospel in your life is important!  You have the power to beautify or blaspheme the Word of God every day.

The word blasphemed found in Titus 2:5 means to deride or to minimize.  Paul was talking to Titus about both the older and younger men and women in the church.  Their lives were to be clean so “that the word of God be not blasphemed” and “that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.” (verses 5, 8)  Does your life give “ammunition” to the naysayers of what is good, right, and biblical? What is right and true is right and true, no matter how well you frame it; but people are less inclined to accept the truth if it is framed poorly.

My life is to frame the truth in such a way that the truth will be accepted and not rejected.  I Timothy 6:1 reminds us that we ought to frame God’s truth in such a way “that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.” There is no enemy of God or power in the world that can stop God’s Word; but you can! You can blaspheme God’s Word by the way you frame it.  God’s pure truth given from a dirty vessel will only hinder and never help.  The Gospel is “the power of God unto salvation,” but the way we frame it is mightily important.  When you see a beautiful frame around a picture or some artwork, remember that you are a frame for God’s truth too!

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